Monastic Reflection upon the Spanish Steps

Spanish Steps Monastic

Unknown to me until the year 2023, the reason for this assembly on October 7, 2015 is renovation of the Spanish Steps initiated the very next day (2015-10-08) and not reopened to the public until a year later. The 138 steps built of travertine stone in 1725 and designed by Francesco de Sanctis, ascends a slope terminating with the Trinità dei Monti church of Rome.

Reflect and focus your gaze.

In stillness take a step and ascend.

Anticipate the goal, but savor the process.

Find joy in the ritual.

With each moment faithfully climb, rebuild, and renovate.

The journey lengthy, but destination assured.

 –amh (2023)


“...there are three times, a present of past things, a present of present things, and a present of future things…
…the present of past things is memory;
the present of present things is direct perception;
the present of future things is expectation.”
– Augustine, Confessions V, 20

“...the mind which regulates this process, performs three functions, those of expectation, attention, and memory.”

 – Augustine, Confessions V, 30

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